Die Runabouts von DS9

Während ich die Schiffsdateien für die Runabouts geschrieben habe, hat mir eine Übersicht der jeweils der Station zugeteilten Runabouts sehr geholfen. Diese findet ihr nun auch hier.

Ursprünglich hieß es ja, daß DS9 immer nur drei dieser Schiffe gleichzeitig besäße. Doch mit der Erwähnung der Volga in "Body Parts" gab es vier aktive Runabouts, in "By Inferno's Light" wurde das bestätigt.

Natürlich ist in der folgenden Tabelle vieles Spekulation. Genausogut könnte DS9 von Anfang an sechs Runabouts zugewiesen bekommen haben, es könnte noch unbekannte Runabouts geben...
Faßt die Tabelle also bitte als einfachen Versuch auf, die bekannten Fakten zusammenzufassen.

Nr.TitelRunabout #1Runabout #2Runabout #3Runabout #4
PEmissary Rio GrandeGangesYangtzee Kiang
1Past Prologue Rio GrandeGangesYangtzee Kiang
2A Man Alone Rio GrandeGangesYangtzee Kiang
3Babel Rio GrandeGangesYangtzee Kiang
4Captive Pursuit Rio GrandeGangesYangtzee Kiang
5Q - less Rio GrandeGangesYangtzee Kiang
6Dax Rio GrandeGangesYangtzee Kiang
7The Passenger Rio GrandeGangesYangtzee Kiang
8Move Along Home Rio GrandeGangesYangtzee Kiang
9The Nagus Rio GrandeGangesYangtzee Kiang
10Vortex Rio GrandeGangesYangtzee Kiang
11Battle Lines Rio GrandeGangesYangtzee Kiang
12The Storyteller Rio GrandeGangesOrinoco ?
13Progress Rio GrandeGangesOrinoco ?
14If Wishes Were Horses Rio GrandeGangesOrinoco ?
15The Forsaken Rio GrandeGangesOrinoco ?
16Dramatis Personae Rio GrandeGangesOrinoco ?
17Duet Rio GrandeGangesOrinoco ?
18In the Hands of the Prophets Rio GrandeGangesOrinoco ?
19The Homecoming Rio GrandeGangesOrinoco ?
20The Circle Rio GrandeGangesOrinoco ?
21The Siege Rio GrandeGangesOrinoco
22Invasive Procedure Rio GrandeGangesOrinoco
23Cardassians Rio GrandeGangesOrinoco
24Melora Rio GrandeGangesOrinoco
25Rules of Aquisition Rio GrandeGangesOrinoco
26Necessary Evil Rio GrandeGangesOrinoco
27Second Sight Rio GrandeGangesOrinoco
28Sanctuary Rio GrandeGangesOrinoco
29Rivals Rio GrandeGangesOrinoco
30The Alternate Rio GrandeGangesOrinoco
31Armageddon Game Rio GrandeGangesOrinoco
32Whispers Rio GrandeMekongOrinoco
33Paradise Rio GrandeMekongOrinoco
34Shadow Play Rio GrandeMekongOrinoco
35Playing God Rio GrandeMekongOrinoco
36Profit and Loss Rio GrandeMekongOrinoco
37Blood Oath Rio GrandeMekongOrinoco
38The Maquis I Rio GrandeMekongOrinoco
39The Maquis II Rio GrandeMekongOrinoco
40The Wire Rio GrandeMekongOrinoco
41Crossover Rio GrandeMekongOrinoco
42The Collaborator Rio GrandeMekongOrinoco
43Tribunal Rio GrandeMekongOrinoco
44The Jem`Hadar Rio GrandeMekongOrinoco
45The Search I Rio GrandeMekongOrinoco
46The Search II Rio GrandeMekongOrinoco
47The House of Quark Rio GrandeMekongOrinoco
48Equilibrium Rio GrandeMekongOrinoco
49Second Skin Rio GrandeMekongOrinoco
50The Abandoned Rio GrandeMekongOrinoco
51Civil Defense Rio GrandeMekongOrinoco
52Meridian Rio GrandeMekongOrinoco
53Defiant Rio GrandeMekongOrinoco
54Fascination Rio GrandeMekongOrinoco
55Past Tense I Rio GrandeMekongOrinoco
56Past Tense II Rio GrandeMekongOrinoco
57Life Support Rio GrandeMekongOrinoco
58Heart of Stone Rio GrandeMekongOrinoco
59Destiny Rio GrandeMekongOrinoco
60Prophet Motive Rio GrandeMekongOrinoco
61Visionary Rio GrandeMekongOrinoco
62Distant Voices Rio GrandeMekongOrinoco
63Throug the Looking Glass Rio GrandeMekongOrinoco
64Improbable Cause I Rio GrandeMekongOrinoco
65The Die Is Cast II Rio GrandeMekongOrinoco
66Explorers Rio Grande-Orinoco
67Family Business Rio Grande RubiconOrinoco
68Shakaar Rio Grande RubiconOrinoco
69Facets Rio Grande RubiconOrinoco
70The Adversary Rio Grande RubiconOrinoco
71The Way of the Warrior Rio Grande RubiconOrinoco
72The Visitor Rio Grande RubiconOrinoco
73Hippocratic Oath Rio Grande RubiconOrinoco
74Indiscretion Rio Grande RubiconOrinoco
75Rejoined Rio Grande RubiconOrinoco
76Little Green Men Rio Grande RubiconOrinoco
77Starship Down Rio Grande RubiconOrinoco
78The Sword of Kahless Rio Grande RubiconOrinoco
79Our Man Bashir Rio Grande RubiconOrinoco
80Homefront I Rio Grande RubiconYukon ?
81Paradise Lost II Rio Grande RubiconYukon ?
82Crossfire Rio Grande RubiconYukon ?
83Return to Grace Rio Grande RubiconYukon ?
84The Sons of Mogh Rio Grande RubiconYukon
85The Bar Association Rio Grande RubiconYukon
86Accession Rio Grande RubiconYukon
87Rules of Engagement Rio Grande RubiconYukon
88Hard Times Rio Grande RubiconYukon
89Shattered Mirror Rio Grande RubiconYukon
90The Muse Rio Grande RubiconYukon
91For the Cause Rio Grande RubiconYukon
92The Quickening Rio Grande RubiconYukon...
93To the Death Rio Grande RubiconYukonVolga ?
94Body Parts Rio Grande RubiconYukonVolga
95Broken Link Rio Grande RubiconYukonVolga
96Apocalypse Rising Rio Grande RubiconYukonVolga
97The Ship Rio Grande RubiconYukonVolga
98Looking for Par`Mach... Rio Grande RubiconYukonVolga
99Nor the Battle to the Strong Rio Grande RubiconYukonVolga
100The Assignment Rio Grande RubiconYukonVolga
101Trials and Tribble-Actions Rio Grande RubiconYukonVolga
102Let He Who Is Without Sin Rio Grande RubiconYukonVolga
103Things Past Rio Grande RubiconYukonVolga
104The Ascent Rio Grande RubiconYukonVolga
105Rapture Rio Grande RubiconYukonVolga
106The Darkness and the Light Rio Grande RubiconYukonVolga
107The Begotten Rio Grande RubiconYukonVolga
108For the Uniform Rio Grande RubiconYukonVolga
109In Purgatory`s Shadow I Rio Grande RubiconYukonVolga
110By Inferno's Light II Rio Grande RubiconYukonVolga
111Dr. Bashir, I Presume Rio Grande RubiconShenandoah ?Volga ?
112A Simple Investigation Rio Grande RubiconShenandoah ?Volga ?
113Business as Usual Rio Grande RubiconShenandoah ?Volga ?
114Ties of Blood and Water Rio Grande RubiconShenandoah ?Volga ?
115Of Love and Profit Rio Grande RubiconShenandoah ?Volga ?
116Soldiers of the Empire Rio Grande RubiconShenandoah ?Volga ?
117Children of Time Rio Grande RubiconShenandoah ?Volga ?
118In a Blaze of Glory Rio Grande RubiconShenandoah ?Volga ?
119Empok Nor Rio Grande RubiconShenandoah ?Volga ?
120In the Cards Rio Grande RubiconShenandoah ?Volga ?
121Call to Arms Rio Grande RubiconShenandoah ?Volga ?
122A Time to Stand Rio Grande RubiconShenandoah ?Volga ?
123Rocks and Shoals Rio Grande RubiconShenandoah ?Volga ?
124Sons and Daughters Rio Grande RubiconShenandoah ?Volga ?
125Behind the Lines Rio Grande RubiconShenandoah ?Volga ?
126Favor the Bold Rio Grande RubiconShenandoah ?Volga ?
127The Sacrifice of Angels Rio Grande RubiconShenandoah ?Volga ?
128You Are Cordially Invited Rio Grande RubiconShenandoah ?Volga ?
129Resurrection Rio Grande RubiconShenandoah ?Volga ?
130Statistical Probabilities Rio Grande RubiconShenandoah ?Volga ?
131The Magnificient Ferengi Rio Grande RubiconShenandoah ?Volga ?
132Waltz Rio Grande RubiconShenandoah ?Volga ?
133Who Mourns for Morn Rio Grande RubiconShenandoah ?Volga ?
134Far Beyond the Stars Rio Grande RubiconShenandoah ?Volga ?
135One Little Ship Rio Grande RubiconShenandoah ?Volga ?
136Honor Among Thieves Rio Grande Rubicon ?Shenandoah ?Volga ?
137Change of Heart Rio Grande Rubicon ?ShenandoahVolga ?
138Wrongs Darker Than... Rio Grande Rubicon ?ShenandoahVolga ?
139Inquisition Rio Grande Rubicon ?ShenandoahVolga ?
140In the Pale Moonlight Rio Grande Rubicon ?ShenandoahVolga ?
141His Way Rio Grande Rubicon ?ShenandoahVolga ?
142The Reckoning Rio Grande Rubicon ?ShenandoahVolga ?
143The Valiant Rio Grande Rubicon ?ShenandoahVolga ?
144Profit and Lace Rio Grande Rubicon ?Gander ?Volga ?
145Time`s Orphan Rio Grande Rubicon ?Gander ?Volga ?
146The Sound of her Voice Rio Grande Rubicon ?Gander ?Volga ?
147Tears of the Prophets Rio Grande Rubicon ?Gander ?Volga ?
148Image in the Sand Rio Grande Rubicon ?Gander ?Volga ?
149Shadows and Symbols Rio Grande Rubicon ?Gander ?Volga ?
150Afterimage Rio Grande Rubicon ?Gander ?Volga ?
151Take Me Out to the Holosuite Rio Grande Rubicon ?Gander ?Volga ?
152Chrysalis Rio Grande Rubicon ?Gander ?Volga ?
153Treachery, Faith and the... Rio Grande Rubicon ?Gander ?Volga ?
154Once More Unto the Breach Rio Grande ?Rubicon ?Gander ?Volga ?
155The Siege of AR-588 Rio Grande ?Rubicon ?Gander ?Volga ?
156Covenant Rio Grande ?Rubicon ?Gander ?Volga ?
157It's Only a Paper Moon Rio Grande ?Rubicon ?Gander ?Volga ?
158Prodigal Daughter Rio Grande ?Rubicon ?Gander ?Volga ?
159The Emperor's New Cloak Rio Grande ?Rubicon ?Gander ?Volga ?
160Field of Fire Rio Grande ?Rubicon ?Gander ?Volga ?
161Chimera Rio Grande ?Rubicon ?Gander ?Volga ?
162Badda-bing, Badda-bang Rio Grande ?Rubicon ?Gander ?Volga ?
163Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges Rio Grande ?Rubicon ?Gander ?Volga ?
164Penumbra Rio Grande ?Rubicon ?GanderVolga ?
165Till Death Do Us Part Rio Grande ?Rubicon ?Volga ?
166Strange Bedfellows Rio Grande ?Rubicon ?Volga ?
167The Changing Face of Evil Rio Grande ?Rubicon ?Volga ?
168When It Rains Rio Grande ?Rubicon ?Volga ?
169Tacking Into the Wind Rio Grande ?Rubicon ?Volga ?
170Night Tremors Rio Grande ?Rubicon ?Volga ?
171The Dogs of War Rio Grande ?Rubicon ?Volga ?
172What You Leave Behind  Rio Grande ?Rubicon ?Volga ?

 Rio Grandeaktiver Runabout, der Station DS9 zugeteilt; der Link führt euch zu der entsprechenden Schiffsdatei
 Rio Grande
aktiver Runabout, wurde in dieser Folge zerstört
 Rio Grande ?vor dem ersten oder nach dem letzten Auftauchen des Schiffes; ob der Runabout schon / noch auf DS9 stationiert ist, ist ungewiß

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[Letzte Änderung: 28.04.2001]